The Unread Tears...

My pillows are the witness
For my eyes wetness.
Every day, it starts
But doesn't tell me how to stop.

My face always have a glow
Trying to hide the low
Happily none came to know
And still , it is in a flow.

My eyelashes drenched
And mind wrenched,
Looking out for a cheer
To pull me out of the fears.

The nights are a pain
Sleepless with mouth shut
Nothing to gain
But making me more insane.

My eyes look weak
Hence, specs became my freak
I started falling ill
Woke up with thought to self- kill.

My tears couldn't hold
But I am trying to be bold
It's been long time this way
But none noticed to say.

It really hurts
I am sick
But Want to convert
To happy kick. 

Will I live for that?
Or my tears would be unread?


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