You know something, I am a person who is like whatever the opportunity is there just go and grab it. No care for self esteem going down. Come what may !!!! Getting laughed at has become a habit. I know that some with envy might whisper my success. You know why? Because if you keep on being scared we will lose many amazing opportunities in this tiny-winy time you r having in this earth. It might be hell , but if you think to be happy and fun , you will get and be the vibes.
So I am done with my PEP talks, coming back to main topic. Yeah!!! So, when I was in 10th , I gave my name for inter class debate competition. My English teacher really believed on atmanirbharta ( even in 2018), so we had prepare our debate by ourselves. I was feeling like I have put myself in trap, but the funda of 1life , 1 chance, said just do it no harm.But when I was in my classroom , the vibes were that trophy was made for me!!!! haha. I practiced, last day also made changes in the facts and figures. The night before the debate was damn hard to overcome.
Finally the day arrived. That time what happened was that I didn’t rote learn whatever I had prepared, I just tried to remember the key words. In my mind , I was like the stage is my, so what fear, don't care. By the way, the topic of the debate was :- SCIENCE...A BOON OR BANE....You might be thinking such an easy topic. Yes, it looks to be easy, but on the stage i dare you to speak few words in support or aginist the motion.
I was speaking for the motion. To bring in curiosity and interest among the audience,I had the most stupid idea of doing an act before starting of my speech. I borrowed the specs of my class teacher(#myenglishteacher), and walked towards the dice, acting as if I am blind. After reaching the dice, I wore the specs and my pick up line was ,BECAUSE OF THIS SPECS I AM ABLE TO SEE....ALL THANKS TO SCIENCE... Wat A Flop idea it was . You know when did this idea came into my mind? Just before entering the stage. Now... Since I am on the stage I had to speak something. Then I started to speak by recalling the keywords which I had memorized. But in reality the key to the words I had learnt were locked, because I was forgetting. I thought kaam thamam .Still I made up things, which made sense. Literally, my legs were shivering, my hands were sweating and my heartbeat were faster than shatabdi......I was nervous.
Just after the speech I had just one thought in mind. Guess what? RUN!!! Madly, I couldn't , guess why? I had a question to answer too. You know somehow I said the answer , but it didnt give any sense... Anyways what I was thinking? Yes!! RUN!... But when I was about to leave the stage my friend came running to me!!! I was confused, what happened.
She said that My Kurta had red Stains!! God , what a perfect timing you got !!! I realized the whole time , from entering the stage, speaking , answering I was having these stains . I wont call it a stain , but the natural uninvited decoration. I was spine-chilled. I became blank for a second. One thought , just hovered in me, all have seen it, disgusting!!!
Later on I felt, it was moment for me to be proud of. Why should I feel bad about something natural,, its not my fault. Just, that it came before the date,and I didnt carry a precaution. You know something , even though these all happened ,no one asked or shamed me about it. Is it because of shame, hesitation, I still dont know. I hope it was because of understanding. I stood in front of many people with that red colour.
You know its believed that girls when they are on their periods , have hell lot of pain which is unexplained. It takes a huge toll on, mentally , physically and emotionally. Most girls are scared to talk about the periods. The stains are the symbol of our braveness , courage and tolerance.
My dear brothers and boys as friends, please help your sisters and girl friends on these days, dare make fun of them. Understand that because of this pain , even you were born.
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