Am I sick?
I trying not to pick
Fights and tricks
But it literally pricks...

I am losing..
I am confusing...
I am crying
I am still trying...

The happy face is a mask
It's now hard task...
I am loosing my taste
Feeling like a waste...

Others can find me to help
But I can't find myself to help
I am trying not to lose
I am trying not to choose

Losing interest 
Mind is in unrest
Feelings all in arrest
I am falling of trust

Inside it burns
All night only into turns
Life is getting barred
My heart it is getting tarred.

I don't belong
I don't go along
It's getting hard
Is my life going to fall as card?

I am bad
I am mad
Literally I am sad
Left no more fad...

I am not scared
Of not being cared
All I did is I dared
But now I am not being bared....

I am sleepless
Getting senseless
Sometimes heartless
And always restless...

Something is not right
And it's getting tight
I am trying hard to bite
I am getting away from sight...


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