
Showing posts from March, 2021


When you hear my silence Just realise I am not listening you.


Seeing you is a treat to my eyes All the wind smells of different slice Lost in thoughts Body temperature rise to hots. Having you around, My world changes Which is not bound And desperate it to last ages. Talking to you , gives me chill And want it to last until We meet again to fill Our date's paybill...

The Distance...

Everytime my feet took me there Today I am surprised you are here Whom to thank Or it's just a chance Atleast got your seat for a glance The distance is far Hope not like of a star Finally, you had to join Now it feels more than a coin It takes so hard not to glare My mind says to eyes it's not fair I know you no more care But my feelings are always in the air A sight, a day Makes me give my smile a way To walk mindlessly in cheer But with a pinch of fear That I know the time is in run I don't how to stop it, with a gun? But where ever you are  I will always be silently there....

Music- My ventilator

Music is my breath Without u , I am suffocated U r my solace  Helping me through trance Just be like buzz I want to be in ur guess My state of mood Is in ur code Thank you for motivating Thank you for entertaining Thank you for crying Thank you for dancing I owe u my mind Love you for being kind Even when I am sad Or turn into a mad

woo- man

It is easy to be woman Said a man... Really? How ? All she has to do is be at home Ofcourse