Hey do you know me? I think I do know you really well , I have seen you before . Can I tell something? I know what you are thinking right now. Can I ? OMG...... I am just kidding. Thanks for reading my stuff. By the way, this stuff of my will be our intimate talks okay! Don't share it to anyone , I trust you. Lets call this chats of our as hush hush talks. So let me ask you something.... What pops up in your mind when you see or listen the word LOVE. I know that love is the best feeling in the world but this one thing aches me a lot , which feels as if it is digging my heart with a sharp axe infinity to the power infinity times. Its my boundless love and concern for a guy. U read it right. Its for a guy. May be a girl.........or a.....boy. I don't expect anything from that person, just that at least * hears me and gives me some time to spare. I am not happy with what I am doing. I always make my chest ache and tears roll from my delicate eyes. Why am I giving suff...